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I’m an entrepreneur, YouTuber, and creator. I love to share my journey and experiences as I travel and develop my talents.

Highlight Video Mardi Gras Parade 2024 | Dothan Alabama

Highlight Video Mardi Gras Parade 2024 | Dothan Alabama

Highlight video of the Mardi Gras parade in Dothan, Alabama. For the past few years, I have had the opportunity to create videos of the Mardi Gras parade in Downtown Dothan. This year, there was a little bit of a challenge, being I was not allowed inside the barricades, but I still wanted to put something together. With limited time and access, this is what I was able to make out of the footage captured.

I love highlighting people having a good time at the parade, whether that’s the crowd or floats. Even some of the float guards got into the fun! The creativity is amazing to see from each float. The Soul Train is definitely my top favorite! Krewe De Wu’s dragon is top notch, loved the DJs amping up the crowd, and seeing the streets filled! It reminds me of when I first started making videos at Foster Fest.

Other elements that I enjoyed about the parade were the small bands playing jazz by the sidewalks, contests, and DAC Weekend’s group having fun.

While I was at the parade, there were several people saying they were looking forward to seeing my photos and videos, people shouting my name from their floats, and some conversations about if we were working the parade this time. It’s interesting how Evergreen and I have become part of the parade's identity. It was a bit of a bummer not being able to do my usual thing, but I made the best out of the cards dealt to me.

Hopefully, I can get some more footage next year and capture additional elements throughout the parade. It’s been great to be part of it over the years.

FREE Download! I’m providing this year’s parade videos for free. I thought it would be a nice gesture to let the different krews have a keepsake for their floats and attractions.

I plan to create more content of the parade, including individual floats. When those videos are ready, I will post them to my social platforms, so you will want to follow and subscribe to those platforms.

This is just a small way I want to contribute to the community. If you would like to leave a tip, you can send those donations to PayPal. Thank you!

If you don’t want to download the content, sharing is just as much appreciated :-)


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Mardi Gras Parade Highlight Video 2024 Dothan, Alabama
Sale Price: $0.00 Original Price: $50.00

Mardi Gras Parade 2024 Dothan, Alabama Highlight Video. You may download this video to upload to your own social media platforms. You may not alter the video in any way. Proper credit to Joshua Bane must be given. Please tag to the appropriate platform at facebook.com/joshbane / Instagram.com/joshuabane / tiktok.com/@joshuabane / youtube.com/joshuabane

The Tuskegee University Marching Crimson Pipers at the Dothan, Alabama Mardi Gras Parade 2024
Sale Price: $0.00 Original Price: $50.00

The Tuskegee University Marching Crimson Pipers leading the #mardigrasparade in Dothan, Alabama! Definitely one of my favorite attractions from the parade! Such a great way to start the parade.

You may download this video to upload to your own social media platforms. You may not alter the video in any way. Proper credit to Joshua Bane must be given. Please tag to the appropriate platform at facebook.com/joshbane / Instagram.com/joshuabane / tiktok.com/@joshuabane / youtube.com/joshuabane

Previous Mardi Gras Coverage

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